Technology doesn't have to be something that divides us from nature. It can be a tool through which we can explore the natural world...

Monday, 2 January 2012

Digital Golden Age - building a Digital Editing Computer (Part1)

Built to create - the computer is your canvas

It's a digital golden age! If you have a creative bone in your body, what are you waiting for?  Baby-boomers throw out your old film cameras and tape recorders and stop bitching about how much better film and analog was than digital. Unless your name is David Lean or George Martin, I don't wanna hear about it. There are only so many geniuses about. Dig out your old photo albums and you'll see what I mean. Attention parents! No, your kid isn't some kind of computer genius...and no, being really good at "Rock Band" doesn't mean he or she should be applying to Julliard. Today's "computer savvy" is yesterday's "good with his hands". Younger types, get your noses out of your smart phones and hands off your gaming consoles long enough to learn some useful digital (and life) skills... Remove your ear buds and have a look around. There I've said it! That's my rant for today... let's all move on. It's a harsh reality when examined in the semi-sober light of day.
You might have guessed this is the technology side of my blog. No pretty pictures of birdies or lovely landscapes here. Non-techies please bear with me. I put my message first so you can decide if you want to read on. There are things that the average person has access to these days that were only a dream a few years ago... Whenever I get a chance to sit down at my computer there is a whole world available to me which is only limited by my willingness to learn, work and of course by my creativity. You might be able to tell by the intermittent nature of my blog, but I hardly know which way to turn some days. I could be composing and recording music, organizing and editing photos, editing video or writing scripts or blogs. There never seems to be enough time...
I'm not much of a winter person. I do get out in nature during the winter, but only occasionally for walks in the woods and the odd day trips.  One of the ideas behind getting involved in videography was that I would shoot in the warmer months and edit during the colder days of winter. Perhaps the reality of that is best left for another blog, but suffice to say that producing any video is divided between field and studio work. What follows is a discussion about the equipment and techniques I use in the studio. It is in no way an endorsement of any particular software or hardware. Long winded technical discussions are best left for the online discussion groups that I have learned so much from over the years.  I will try and keep things simple.
Acronyms can drive me crazy sometimes. They are convenient, but some people tend to spew them out without understanding what they really mean. Even techies (who do understand their meaning) sometimes use them with little regard of their audience and their meaning becomes lost. The first one I will have to use is NLE (non-linear editing system). Video has a beginning middle and end, but these days we don't have to put them together in any particular way or order. That's the non-linear bit! Like almost anything these days, if you want to achieve this you will need a computer.
My first editing suite was an old blue and white G3 Mac with the first version of Final Cut Pro. I used it to make my first short video entitled "The Birds of Winter" in little over 3 months after I acquired it. FCP was a very intuitive software and within hours I found myself editing. It was great at the time, but I realized if I was going to produce anything longer than a few minutes, I was going to have to have to upgrade. I certainly don't want to get involved in the whole Mac verses PC debate, but I will leave you with this advice - if you have more money than technical know-how, get a top-of-the-line Mac with "Final Cut Pro" software suite and start editing. For the rest of us read below...
If you want a serious editing suite of any kind, my advice is this; build the best computer that you can afford. I have gone the PC/ Windows route mostly due to budget, flexibility and familiarity. Here's what I am using at this time and some of the thinking behind it:

The glowing red heart of my computer
 the Ruby Orb heat-sink doesn't just look cool

Intel quad core processor and mother board - I didn't go with an i7 processor (it was far too expensive at the time) though I would now...
8 gigabytes of RAM - use the 64-bit version of Windows 7 to take advantage of the extra RAM
3 internal SATA hard drives totaling 3.5 terabytes of storage (one system drive and two data drives) - Have at least 2 physical drives and use one for your video projects. You will need tons of storage especially now with high definition video... Luckily HDD's are cheap these days!
Blue -Ray burner - it's for high def!
NVidia video board (HDMI) - you don't need to buy the latest - last year's model will be much cheaper! I see the latest version of my editing software will finally take advantage of the video card. This was not the case in the past...
Dual 1080P 16:9 monitors - you need lots of desktop space for editing (one day I will have at least 3 monitors)
 Creative sound card - this is where I truly would like to upgrade in the future, but it does the job and allows me to do surround sound editing and track-at-a-time stereo recording
Logitech Dolby 5.1 surround audio system - see above...

There is plenty of outboard gear as well:

A small mixing board and external HDD's
and bass pre-amp
External HDD's for extra storage, portability and backing up your work (this is mandatory!!!)
A small mixing board - for recording narration, musical instruments and Foley
Sony SxS memory card reader/writer - for aquiring video
42" video flat screen LCD monitor - for previewing video (along with 7.1 surround system)
Various guitars, pre-amps and pedals
Midi controller
Microphones and Headphones
Of course, hardware is only the beginning!

Next time part 2 - Software

1 comment:

  1. Phil you've lived this stuff and combined it with your other interest of the outdoors.
    For me...a few simple things on photos is my limit.
    Great post!
